I had to get a refill on my Percocet, but they gave me Vicodin, which works just fine.
On Saturday after the surgery, the bottom of my finger was hurting very badly because the splint was digging into it. There was a deep indentation and the surrounding area was black and blue, so back to the ER we went. It took like five doctors to come and examine the situation before they took the dressing off and re-positioned the splint. I couldn't even look at it when they unwrapped it. I could feel it pulling, but didn't feel too much of anything else and spent most of the time in my happy place.
On Suday or Monday (the days are blending together, now), I walked to Hollywood video and apparently spent about 45 minutes gathering five movies, including Day the Earth Stood Still, Changeling, Doubt and two or three others, which I do not remember.
Despite the pain medication, it is beginning to feel sore. I have no idea what it looks like or what is happening inside there.
Marieke continues to take care of me and I continue to wait until I can function again.