After a long deliberation, we decided to cancel Thanksgiving for this year. It's just too much work. The dining room is unmanageably cluttered and we're just too tired. Jen made a point of making us feel a little on the guilty side of the matter.
We ended up taking an invitation for supper at aunt Jan and uncle Ed's house. Our contribution was Marieke's wonderful sweet potato oranges and some cranberry sauce. Mom brought bread and some wine. It was a nice evening overall.
We were expecting to see Patrick, his family and the new addition, my little second cousin once removed, whose name continuously escapes me, but it is another Irish-ish name and his middle name is Michael. Sadly, there is some strife between he and his parents and only Aiden (whose middle name I cannot remember!) came over at the last minute. It was very nice to see everyone, not even Audrey could darken the mood.
Uncle Mike called with the news that Ling delivered their new baby. Nathan is his name and he is adorable!
At the request of aunt Jan, we left a large portion of the oranges over there so that she could take them to her mum's in Beaver, where they were planning a trip for the weekend.
Our Black Friday began at 2:30am, when the alarms went off. Our target? Samsung T401G sliding phones with full keyboard. On sale at Best Buy for $69.99 each, but they each came with $30 worth of minutes, so the actual price of the phones themselves was $39.99. We arrived at the Waterfront bright (actually not so bright since it was still dark) and early (actually, it was late for me because I hadn't yet gone to sleep), at the unholy hour of 3:17am. The line was already about 100 or so long and it started to drizzle freezing bits of rain on us while we waited for the doors to open.
The people in blue shirts came around at least twice to hand out vouchers for big ticket items such as tvs, appliances, computers, stereos, that kind of thing. We were in line waiting to buy Net10 Prepaid phones, which we learned were guaranteed to number at least ten at every store.
Jen was handing out fliers to the people in line, so when she got to where I was, we chit-chatted for a while. Then the doors opened and the chaos was toward the rear of the store and we largely avoided it. Afterward, we visited Jen for a while since she was standing in front of BB&B handing out coupons to the incoming crowds (about 3 in the twenty minutes we were standing with her!).
At last we were at home and while Marieke caught up on some z's, I transfered my contact list and played sudoku on my new phone.
Not a bad holiday weekend, all told.