There are no words to describe just how terrible this class is. There are so many things wrong with it that i can’t even find one thing that’s right with it.
The professor is overly fond of saying ‘so to speak’ when she isn’t quite sure what she is saying is making any sense. She sais this so that we will take what is being said with a hint of abstraction. For example, she will say things like ‘…try and implement that in your paper, so to speak.’ No part of that sentence made any kind of sense.
When asked directly what exactly is expected in the paper, she responds with a generalized statement which sounds like English, but is actually a dialect of Ancient North Martian.
She also enjoys ‘axing’ questions. I have no patience and little tolerance for such ignorance in a college level class. The kicker really came about a week ago when we were discussing an upcoming assignment, which was a simple peer review. She began talking about collaborations and why they work and reasons they don’t work. I was so confused about what we were doing. So I asked her what the assignment was and she replied, “The assignment is a peer-review,” to which I asked, “Then why are we talking about collaborating with other people on a writing project?”
“Richard,” she said, “A peer-review is a collaboration, so to speak, and you need to know how to do that for this assignment.”
I had to let it go, because I wasn’t sure what to say to that or how to make my question any more clear.
This is so frustrating and the level of stress is having a very negative effect on my other classes. I can’t sleep at night because of the stress I’m feeling in this class. And it’s not just that situation, either, that is putting me in a dire situation.
Most of our assignments from now and until the end of the class depend on receiving a peer review. Nobody in my entire class has given that to me because I am stuck with the last 5 people in class whose names happen to end with a w, a y, or a z… and those people don’t even do anything in class.
I am so frustrated that I may actually cry over this.