Website, Work, School. Three ends of an impossibly long candle, all burning at the exact same time.
I’ve been working for most of the past week on my Chinese History website to ready it for display as part of the vanity portion of my professional portfolio. Ridding it of redundant links, fixing broken ones, etc. The splash page has been redesigned, which almost always seems to happen, despite having the simplest of goals, none of which having anything to do with the splash page. Since starting school, there has been so little time, if any at all, for it and I felt so neglectful when the Year of the Rabbit started without so much as a mention.
The last term of school hasn’t yet been archived and I’m so far behind in getting that information gathered, let alone the new term. The books for my classes arrived Monday evening with a bang, when the UPS guy decided to knock on the glass storm door, which caused all sorts of racket.
Since my work is contract based, and I’m kept on retainer, actual work is sporadic at best. That said, how do these people always know when I’m swamped with either school work or professional development activities? They only ask me to do something when it is the least convenient for me to do them. Also, there is a sixth sense about them because most of their requests come on the very first day of classes, while only silence is heard in the week long break between classes.
Now that my busy, busy calendar has been laid to bare, I suppose I should get started with it, rather than going on about it, no?