Manfred, Opie, Oskar and Autumn all have fleas. Even more terrible- it seems like the fleas have been here for a while before we realized what was happening. They’re even in the rugs on the porch, and that is how my legs have become bitten up. We tried a natural flea killer consisting of various oils because of Manfred’s sensitivity. It hasn’t done much yet, but Manfred smells very nice.
I have reason to believe that the fleas came on mice that have gnawed their way through several feet of fiberglass insulation in the basement. The cats have so far killed three this season. We had to put Manfred in his own room, with a box and food so that he wouldn’t get sick from everyone else’s flea treatments. It’s bad enough he had an adverse reaction to the all-natural flea killer that kills fleas on contact. His mouth became a little swollen and the slobber was epic. He spent the first night in the basement and scared us both silly that something much larger was the issue.
Poor Oskar has almost no hair left on his belly and can not seem to stop scratching. He is the easiest to treat because his fur is so coarse and not at all dense. When he started scratching, we knew we had a problem- he is always the last to get them.