18 July 2009

It is a foregone conclusion that quitting for as long as we have already has had far reaching benefits. Until today, none have really been tangible. My feet and hands are warm. They've never been warm. They've always been cold. I've also noticed an ability to type faster and feel different tactile details that were not previously perceptible.

My only concern during the 2hr, 33min Harry Potter movie that Tanner and I saw today was that I had to use the privy but didn't want to miss anything in the movie. It was nice to not look at the cellphone halfway through wondering if I could make it another __ minutes until the movie was over so that I could smoke. I only had to look at it once- at the end- to see if Marieke texted me about where she and the other rent-a-kid were.

I switched from Blow Pops to Tootsie Pops and had only four of those today, two during the movie... and I actually ate something before the movie started, in the movie theater, and didn't get a craving afterward- which I just thought of... BTW. That's a good sign! I cleaned off a river rock from the pots outside last night before bed and use it to keep my hands busy.

I'm almost out of peanuts and the carrot sticks are a very good replacement for the pumpernickel onion sticks. It still feels like I'm eating nearly everything in sight. I managed to also not drink 48oz. of V8 juice today, which may be a good thing- I have got to drink more water, though post-movie I evacuated an un-natural amount of liquid in the Starbucks men's room.

The viscousness of the cravings have finally ebbed in strength, but not in frequency. I fear the only option is to completely re-arrange the office, for I am sitting in the exact position, with the exact items surrounding me, except that the ashtray is filled with snacks and candy and gum and not disgusting butts and ashes, as I did before quitting. I did most of my smoking here, where I sit presently.

What is of concern is that this is one of maybe two ways that the room fits together with the furniture that we have in here and the power requirements needed for the equipment. I don't really have the inclination to completely alter the room's configuration, so I may try arranging the contents of the bookcases and fiddle with the items on the table and desk so that they look different.

The only thing left over from Day 1 is that I am lacking in sleep. I've taken two meletonin pills and had two glasses of wine. Hopefully that will do something to help knock me out. I'm feeling a little drowsy now.

Off to the Vintage Grand Prix tomorrow with Jenny. Keeping busy with activities is immensely helpful!


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