11 December 2010

The last time I saw Dawn Zuckerman, Marieke and I were shopping at Wal-Mart for our new apartment (Wendover pl.) and Dawn was shopping at Wal-Mart for her stint in the Peace Corps. The very next time I saw her, it was just under 10 years later at the Starbucks on Murray Ave. Another successful reunification courtesy of Facebook.

True to expectation, she is saving the world, one refugee at a time.

We had so much in common, it was hard to tell where one of us began and the other ended. While drinking coffee and eating our lunch, it was as if no time had passed at all.

After helping me with mailing my Christmas cards, we parted with a date for lunch on the following Monday. It was nice to remember what it felt like to be 22 years old again. Few things are comparable.


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