For my Humanities class, the assignment called for interviews of complete strangers in order to investigate how different people view happiness. So, I crafted a sign that read “Can I interview you about happiness for a school project,” taped it to a piece of cardboard, sat myself down at the Crazy Mocha in the main branch of the Carnegie Library and waited for potential subjects to submit to my questions.
We arrived nearly the minute the library opened, it was the Sunday of the Race for the Cure- just about a block away from the library- and it was Mother’s Day. The entire place was practically empty. This was just as well, since I had an APA style guide to get my hands on so that I knew how exactly to craft the transcripts. By the time I came back, about an hour had passed since I first put my sign out. I figured it was time to recruit some people. The first two fellows I asked to take part in the study declined. Just when I thought all was lost, a rather elderly woman was between me and my table at Crazy Mocha, so I decided to ask one more person before giving up completely. She said yes. Soon, I had a line at my table. I decided to pace my questions among the waiting throngs.
After about a half hour of interviews, I discovered that the APA Publication Manual does not contain directions on how to format a transcript. We ended up at the Pitt Law Library for a look at the Bluebook Guide for Uniform Citation, which, while primarily used for the formatting of legal documents, is the fallback for the APA style. Finally, I had what I needed and we left Oakland.
The weather was super nice, so I decided to begin work on the porch. I’ll probably be out there for the next couple of days, since my assignment calls for transcription as well as a 20 page analysis of what I found. Yay.
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