04 November 2008

On 5 November 2008, we Americans will wake up in a different country than we woke up in the day before. The politics of racial grievance died in the results of this presidential election. A new philosophical debate can now replace that which has taken place on the subjects of race, bigotry, discrimination, hatred; shifting from statement of problem to enacting a solution.

This historical moment is not merely about race. It is about hope. And we so need hope. It is about history. Having only the knowledge of the election results for the 44th President affords anyone the claim of 'witness to history'. It is about change. And we so need change. It is about a whole entire country moving in another direction. And we so need another direction. It is about leaving behind a hopelessly depressing, constitutionally illegal (at times), grammatically incorrect country of the last eight years and moving forward.

America has come so far in such a short time. Where will we go next?


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