20 November 2009

Just after Kara got into her accident in October, Shannon and Will bought a house in Monroeville somewhere in the middle of an epic hill. Move-in day was the first week in November, but I couldn't help because of my finger and Marieke just doesn't do the 'moving' thing and besides, they had a team of movers.

We got a bunch of stuff as a result of their move: one large dining room table (capable of seating eight), six red chairs, one air conditioner, two wooden, fold-able shelf units, the square cat food table, and a few other odds and ends.

All they asked in return for this stuff was to help Will take the larger, unusable pieces to the dumpster, which I was too happy to help with.

Bill came with his giant truck to help us move the giant table and carry it up our front steps.

Mom's old kitchen table/dining room table/Marieke's sewing table is finally retired and now resides in the basement. Our antique dining room table that Neil and I rescued from the trash is now Marieke's sewing table. The process we used for switching the two tables was in fact so complicated, that it became the subject of a writing assignment I had for College Comp I.

The cats love their new eating spot, but it needs a little fixing since it wobbles under Opie's massiveness. Summer will be bearable at night thanks to the air-conditioner, which sits in the gecko room for now.

So instead of 'doing the dance' of bringing the office table downstairs and crowding everyone around a taller-than-the-available-chairs-can-comfortably-accommodate, not-sturdy-enough-for-the-people-we-have-over two table mish-mash for Thanksgiving, we'll have one, nice, long table with chairs enough for everyone.


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