13 April 2011

Shortly after starting on my educational journey, I vowed to not let my personal feelings regarding the literary failings of my fellow students. One of the reasons for this decision was that I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, since my school blog is known to my peers. My frustration over the lack of writing ability that persists in my school is assiduous, nonetheless. Even at the higher level classes that I’m taking now, these people can not construct a sentence in any form conducive to basic understanding. Reading the newspaper, or a book, watching the news, placing an order for pizza- anything having to do with communication with other people should give some sort of clue to these people about how the English language is constructed. There should be some indication that they can’t write based on the readings we have for class. It should be blatantly obvious that something is seriously wrong with their communication skills.

There are those who make a concerted effort to construct an argument, only to fall short in coordination, punctuation or s-v agreement. I’m not talking about them. At least they are trying and even if they fail to make their point, at least they are writing coherently.

Not that there isn’t help for those who revert to severely informal street talk/MTV cadence. The school has a very helpful incredibly extensive writing support center for people who want to become better writers. If the state of the written word does not improve in the next couple weeks, I may be forced to act inappropriately.


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