21 January 2011

Work, school and home. This is a small glimpse of my Friday so far…

  1. Despite having 11 days to gather information for the website I am currently not yet getting paid to produce, and also despite a ‘go live’ date of 1/24, which is on the other side of this weekend, there is no content for a website that took nearly 8 months to program. There is about 45k lines of code in this website, 25k of which have been re-writes, changes and ‘oh yeah, put this on the website, too’. Now, at 6pm on the day the information was supposed to have been given to me, I am getting ‘What kind of information do you need, again?’ Ugh.
  2. My frustration with school endlessly marches on with a lack of follow-through in the design of my database class. The terms that basically provide the language necessary for knowing the difference between Excel and Access… are incomplete and sorely lacking in definition. Also my PolySci instructor is a bit of a doddering old fool, to put it kindly.
  3. Living in Pittsburgh is awesome. I would not like to live anywhere else on the planet. Having said that, could we not have so much snow?! My very good friend deploys to Iraq as part of the Army for a year next month and she was in town for the last time yesterday. Because of the snow, we were unable to meet for our good-byes. I was so upset by that. Also, I’m not thrilled about taking the Christmas tree down because I have so much other work to do.

Basically, I wanted to whine about all this crap so that when things get bad in the future, I can look back and see that I actually had a rather easy January 2011.


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