26 January 2011

This State of the Union Address was different than any other before it. The difference was really very remarkable and I think the prospective of seeing members of both parties in both houses sitting amongst each other, rather than opposite sides of the chamber. It really had an effect on the response- both the cheers and the jeers were held in check and at bay. I thought it was appropriate and very progressive. Maybe we can work together after all. Just a thought.

Additionally, the text of the SOTU was leaked a full two hours before the President began speaking. This was also unprecedented. Accordingly, Ezra Klein crafted a word cloud based on the text of the SOTU:


Luke Russert tweeted a picture of the gauntlet of press that members of congress would be facing upon their exit:


David Weigel posted some of the bi-partisan seating arrangements in the joint session:

The Bipartisan Seating: A Bluffer's Guide

Posted Tuesday, January 25, 2011 8:53 PM | By David Weigel

Here, from the gallery of the House, is the bipartisan seating I've seen so far:

- Alabama's Jeff Sessions with Minnesota's Amy Klobuchar
- Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island with Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee
- Delaware's Tom Carper with Massachusetts's Scott Brown
- New Sen. Jerry Moran, of Kansas, with Missouri's William Lacy Clay
- Olympia Snowe with Mary Landrieu
- Rep. John Mica (R) with Barbara Boxer -- both of them are Californians
- Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly and Georgia Rep. Tom Graves
- Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV)
- Rep. Phil Gingrey with a Democratic colleague from Georgia, David Scott
- Rules Chairman David Dreier seated between two California colleagues, Maxine Waters and Jane Harman

I saved the best for last. If you didn’t already get the endless despair in my post about Keith Olbermann ending Countdown and leaving MSNBC, I was crushed (still am). Imagine how well I will sleep tonight knowing that the Captain of Progressive Thinkers is still out there, actively diestablishmenting. He has formed #FOKNewsChannel and tweeted during the SOTU. Here is a widget that tracks his movements on Twitter Sadly, Blogger doesn't allow scripts in posts... please see this page instead.


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