04 August 2009

I know it's been two weeks because August 2nd was yesterday. Did I mention that the hard candy put a hole in my tongue?

Dr. Kaufmann's office finally rendered help to Marieke and I have an appointment next week. This is good because I'm really not able to function at work as I should.

The New York study required a ton of paperwork and I have to constantly request to be put on other assignments. My request is met with inconsistent results depending on who is the designated internet surfer in the office.

Annoyingly, everyone has some kind of comment about either my splint or my condition and almost everyone who hasn't come into direct contact with me since the incident has heard either second or third hand about what has happened. I guess it's not that annoying because I know they care... the whole situation makes me so cranky.

I don't see any major change in anything for the next week... so more after my appt.


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